Monday, April 15, 2013


I have always been told that knowledge is power.  Power? Hmmm for me knowledge is different things at different times.
Knowledge murders my fantasies and most of my beliefs. Knowledge leaves me with a full slate that knows it will be erased again when the next round of murderous information violently snatches me from my peaceful mind trail walks.
Other times knowledge is like that gift I receive from someone at Christmas who wanted to be nice but doesn't know me well enough to choose to my liking.  So The knowledge sits there and I stare at it wondering where it will go or if I should give it to someone else or perhaps box it up in the closet in case I figure out a use for it someday.  Someday I might need it right?  Probably not because it is likely that the gift is a color I dislike or maybe it is a country decor and I am Morrocan inspired.
Sometimes it is the long awaited for lover that passionately twirls me around in an energetic dance then pushes me down and forces me to orgasm on  command.

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