Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Do you ever have that feeling of awareness that you have just changed in a positive way?  I have always heard that people can change in the blink of an eye but it never really truly sinks in until it happens to you.
Suddenly the way you see everything changes and it is a blessing.  A burden has been lifted off of your shoulders, a heaviness gone.
Today is just one of those days that I am so very thankful.  I am literally bathed in thankfulness.  Thank You creator for your love and patience with me.  I can be so stubborn and unwilling to face certain truths or change my attitude but you are so very patient with me until I come around.
These days are truly some of the best days of my entire life!  Despite me spending some of those days curled up in the fetal position ready to give up-choosing to allow healing in your life is not always easy.  Doing the things that are required of you to make space for that healing is what can be so overwhelming at times that you just feel like you can't do it.  I am still struggling to make healthy choices.
One thing that I can say with unwavering truth is that my entire being, the all of who I am is so very thankful.

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